
A Day at Thunder Ridge: Part 1

Trish Saccomano | 2019-10-07
A Day at Thunder Ridge: Part 1

BTSALP and Alpine School District Coach, Robert Smith is a man of many talents. Follow along as he guides Mrs. Everitt’s Kindergarten class in some drawing exercises on National Dot Day!


“We are learning to tell stories with pictures. Artists use exercises and mark making to strengthen the muscles in their hands. It improves our drawing.”


Mr. Smith puts on the music, first a lullaby and then some . . . Super Hero music and students take their pencils dancing!


Group and Peer critique is an important part of the art lesson. First students respond to the question, What is the same about these lines? What is different? Then it’s time for Peer Critique where students look for similarities and differences in others work.

Be on the lookout for more with Robert Smith in Thunder Ridge Parts 2 and 3